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Spring 2023 Newland & Newland Single Parent Scholarship Winner
Annabella Schluneger

Annabella Schluneger has been named the most recent winner of our Newland & Newland Single Parent Scholarship. Annabella tells the story of the struggles her family faced as a single parent household and the sacrifices her mother made to take care of their family. Read Annabella's essay to learn more about how her experience inspired her to pursue a career in law.
Read Annabella's Essay:
Growing up, my single mother had me and 2 other half siblings. Raising three children is expensive, especially on your own. My mom worked as a bartender in a club, where tips came so easily that she only had to work two nights a week and had the rest of her free time to spend with us. What I didn't know, however, was that this schedule was only possible because she was also selling drugs at the club.
My mother viewed this choice as a sacrifice she had to make to meet all of her children's needs and give them the best life possible. I believe that most single mothers strive to do as much as possible to support their children, but my mother specifically was willing to go to extreme measures that ultimately put her own wellbeing and safety at jeopardy. She made enough for necessities, a house, her own medical treatment when she was sick, but also enough to spoil us with childhood luxuries: the newest gaming systems, high-end makeup, new clothes– seeing our happiness justified her behavior. But on February 22 of 2018, it all came crashing down- My mother, April Esquivel, was arrested and charged with 3 counts Delivery of Cocaine, 3 counts Party to a Crime Delivery of Cocaine.
When my mother was arrested, I was only in seventh grade. I was woken up late at night by police officers raiding our home, and the very next day, I dealt with an entire town of people talking about the biggest drug bust our county has ever seen. My mom was home on bail, and she supported me every step of the way. When I was being bullied and we were evicted from our home, she allowed me to have a say in where I wanted to go, despite the people around her telling her she should go wherever she could afford.
She was honest with me about everything that happened, and she treated me like a mature young adult. She took me to the courtroom throughout the trial and allowed me to listen in on meetings with her lawyer, even when advised that I may be ¨too young¨ to hear about the issues being discussed. As a 13 year old girl, I listened intently in the courtroom. As my mom went through her trial, I saw first-hand how criminal defense attorneys work to help the families of the accused. I was grateful for my mother's lawyer. It seemed like he was the only one who really understood and wanted to help us.
I quickly learned that most people see criminals and have no compassion for their humanity- they think, “Well, they did what they did and they knew it was wrong. Now they deserve whatever they get.” Nobody thinks of the families who suffer behind the scenes of the news articles and the stands of the courtroom, but my mom's lawyer understood and helped us. His approach to my mother's case embodies my beliefs exactly: even if a person is guilty of a crime, everyone deserves a second chance to turn their life around, just like my own mother got with the help of her lawyer.
My single mother made mistakes because of the stress and difficulties that being a single mother presented to her. I am so grateful that my mother loved me enough to try, and even more grateful for the help she got from her lawyer to turn her life around and create a great life for her children in a better way. I hope to be a lawyer someday so I can help other families have second chances and better lives.
I plan to achieve this by continuing my education- I will go to college and earn my bachelor´s degree in Political Science. Then, I will go onto law school. Throughout my higher education, I will continue to study and work rigorously to ensure the highest achievement possible, as I have in my life thus far. I know with my hard work and dedication, and my strong passion for the career path I have chosen, I will be able to make big accomplishments within the field of law.