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Illinois Elmiron Injury Lawyers

Attorneys For Clients With Vision Loss and Retinal Diseases Related to Elmiron Use in the Chicago Area
Many people rely on medication to provide relief from chronic conditions, often taking regular doses for years at a time. If you are on regular medication, it is important to know that the drugs are safe for consumption and that you are aware of any possible side effects. When drug manufacturers fail to make these side effects known, they may be liable for damages suffered by users of the drug.
At Newland & Newland, LLP, we represent clients who have suffered injuries and other negative health effects due to the use of defective medications or negligent pharmaceutical companies. In light of recent research regarding the drug Elmiron, also called pentosan polysulfate sodium, we are prepared to take your case if you are experiencing vision loss after taking this medication. We can help you pursue compensation for your medical expenses and other impacts on your life.
Potential Health Effects of Elmiron
Elmiron is a drug used to treat a bladder condition called interstitial cystitis, which causes pain, pressure, discomfort, and frequent urination, usually among women. The drug, which is produced by a division of Johnson & Johnson called Janssen Pharmaceuticals, has been available to the public since the 1990s, and it is the only approved drug designed to treat interstitial cystitis. If you have been diagnosed with this condition, it is likely that Elmiron was prescribed or recommended for your treatment.
However, recent research, including at the Emory Eye Center and Kaiser Permanente, has revealed a troubling trend among those who have used Elmiron over an extended period of time. A significant number of participants in these studies were found to have a condition called pigmentary maculopathy, a disease of the retina that affects a person's vision. The effects of pigmentary maculopathy can be difficult to treat, and evidence shows that they may sometimes be permanent.
Am I Eligible for Compensation?
The manufacturers of Elmiron have provided no clear warning of the possible development of pigmentary maculopathy, and if you have developed this condition in connection with your use of the drug, you may be able to pursue compensation through a lawsuit against Janssen Pharmaceuticals.
You may have pigmentary maculopathy if you have experienced a decline in your central vision, which may affect your ability to read and accurately perceive objects in front of you. You may also notice dark spots in your vision, muted colors, blurriness or distortion, and trouble adjusting from a bright environment to a darker environment. If you become aware of any of these symptoms, you should go to a medical professional who can diagnose your condition and advise you of your treatment options.
You should also contact an attorney who can help you build a case for compensation by collecting evidence of your condition and its connection to your long-term use of Elmiron. Medical and prescription records showing regular doses of Elmiron over multiple years can provide greater negotiation leverage in a settlement. It is also important to document all of the ways in which your pigmentary maculopathy has affected your life in order to determine a fair amount of damages to pursue. This can include not only the costs of your medical treatment, but also any effects of your eye condition on your working abilities, interruptions and inconveniences in your daily life, and effects on your mental state.
Contact a Cook County Defective Medication Lawyer
We understand how difficult it can be to learn that your medications are harming your health, and we will support, advise, and represent you in your pursuit of compensation to account for your damages. We offer a free phone consultation and case review when you contact us at 847-797-8000, and we represent clients throughout the Chicago area, Cook County, and Illinois, including Arlington Heights, Rolling Meadows, Libertyville, Itasca, Crystal Lake, DuPage County, Lake County, and surrounding areas.