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Illinois Hernia Mesh Injury Attorney

Chicago Defective Medical Device Lawyers for Injuries Caused by Hernia Mesh Implants
Medical technology is constantly improving, and new tools, devices, implants, and other products are regularly developed that can be used to treat a variety of medical conditions. While these products can provide many benefits, they can also cause serious injuries if they do not function properly. Hernia mesh implants are one type of product that have been found to cause injuries to patients. These implants have been associated with a variety of injuries and health issues, and hernia mesh repair surgery may be needed to address the damage caused by defective hernia mesh. Patients who have suffered harm due to these products will want to determine their options for pursuing compensation to address the ways they have been affected.
In cases involving defective medical devices, victims can work with an experienced attorney to take legal action against all of the parties that caused them to suffer harm. Since implants and other medical products that were in widespread use may have caused large numbers of people to be injured, multiple plaintiffs may be able to pursue mass torts against manufacturers that designed or manufactured products defectively or failed to provide the proper warnings about the potential risks that may affect patients. Newland & Newland, LLP helps victims take the correct steps to ensure that a negligent manufacturer will be held responsible for the damages suffered by patients who have been injured by their products.
Injuries Caused by Defective Hernia Mesh
Hernias will usually involve tears in the abdominal wall or other connective tissue, causing fatty tissue, intestines, or other organs to push through the hole that forms. Surgery may be performed to repair the damage, and in many cases, surgical mesh is used to strengthen the repaired tissue and ensure that holes or tears do not reopen. In many cases, surgical mesh is made of plastic and similar artificial materials, and some of these implants have been found to cause different types of injuries to patients. Issues that patients have experienced include:
- Breakdown of hernia mesh - Over time, the components of an implant may break down. This may result in small, sharp pieces of plastic entering a person's bloodstream or moving about in their abdominal cavity. This may lead to bowel perforation or damage to other organs.
- Hernia mesh migration - Even if an implant does not break down, it may not stay in the same position. Hernia mesh that moves within the abdominal cavity may cause a bowel perforation or blockage, or it may place pressure on nerves, leading to chronic pain or loss of sensation in the groin or other parts of the abdomen.
- Hernia mesh contraction - An implant may stay in the correct position, but it may contract or shrink over time, causing the original hole or tear to reopen. Additional surgical procedures may be needed to address the recurrence of a hernia.
- Infections and inflammation - A patient may experience viral or bacterial infections if a hernia mesh implant was not properly sterilized. The plastic materials used in a hernia mesh implant may also cause tissues to become inflamed, leading to additional complications.
- Adhesion - Scar tissue that builds up around a hernia mesh implant may cause multiple organs or tissues to fuse together, which may lead to issues such as chronic pain or bowel obstructions.
Hernia Mesh FAQs
Which Manufacturers Have Created Hernia Mesh Implants That May Be Defective?
Multiple companies have been involved in lawsuits related to hernia mesh, and others have recalled hernia mesh products or taken them off the market. Other companies have manufactured products that have been reported to cause injuries. These companies and products include:
- C.R. Bard - Products under the brand name Composix Kugel have been recalled, and thousands of lawsuits have been filed by patients who have been affected by these products.
- Ethicon - Physiomesh Flexible Composite products were taken off the market due to high failure rates, and the manufacturer has settled tens of thousands of lawsuits.
- Johnson & Johnson - Lawsuits have addressed injuries to patients who have used Herget PCL brand hernia mesh.
- Atrium Medical Corporation - Products under the brand name C-QUR have been recalled, and the company has faced several thousand lawsuits.
- Guidant - This company has faced lawsuits related to its Ventralex products.
- Gore Medical - Injuries associated with products under the brand name Dual have been reported to the FDA.
- LifeCell (a subsidiary of Allergan) - Patients have reported injuries related to Strattice brand products to the FDA.
What Are the Symptoms of a Hernia Mesh Injury?
If a hernia mesh implant breaks down, this can cause a great deal of pain in the abdomen when pieces of the implant perforate organs or tissues. The migration of an implant may perforate or obstruct the bowels or intestines, leading to issues such as bloating and constipation. Breakdown or migration of hernia mesh may also lead to pinched nerves, which may cause pain in the groin and abdomen and impairment of sexual functions. Damage to the intestines may also cause a person to experience nausea and vomiting. If these issues lead to an infection due to fecal matter being released into the abdominal cavity, a person may suffer from high fevers, severe abdominal pain, and swelling or bloating in the abdomen. The migration or contraction of a hernia mesh implant may lead to the recurrence of a hernia, and a person may experience bulging or swelling in the area where the hernia occurred. Hernia mesh repair surgery is often required to remove a defective hernia mesh and correct the damage it has caused.
What Damages Can a Hernia Mesh Lawsuit Address?
A patient who suffered injuries related to defective hernia mesh implants may pursue compensation for multiple types of damages. These may include medical expenses for all forms of treatment a person required, including treatment for symptoms and complications, additional surgeries needed to repair an implant or correct damage caused by an implant, and ongoing therapies. A person may also seek compensation for income lost due to an injury or illness, as well as the loss of future income due to their medical issues. Compensation may also address the physical and emotional pain and suffering a person experienced because of their injuries.
Contact Our Illinois Defective Hernia Mesh Attorney
If you have experienced adverse health issues after receiving a hernia mesh implant, and you have required hernia mesh repair surgery to address your injuries, Newland & Newland, LLP can advise you of your options for addressing these issues and pursuing compensation from the device's manufacturer or any other parties who may have been responsible for your damages. To set up a free consultation, contact us today by calling 847-797-8000.