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5 Symptoms That May Point to a Concussion Injury After a Car Accident

 Posted on January 31,2020 in Car Accident

Arlington Heights car accident attorney

As is true in many cases involving injuries, it is not uncommon to think you are okay immediately after a car accident, apart from feeling shaken up by the impact. During these critical moments, you may not sense that there is anything wrong, as your perception of pain can be naturally subdued by the shock and adrenaline rush your mind and body have experienced in the collision. This is true for both minor and major car crashes. When you are stunned from a collision, it can take some time to sense the presence of any injuries. However, it is essential that you see a medical professional sooner rather than later so you can begin the recovery process. It is also important to talk to an experienced personal injury lawyer who can determine liability for your accident and help you seek damages. 

Signs of Concussion Can Sometimes Be Overlooked

Even as the shock from the accident wears off, however, certain symptoms may not be immediately apparent. Not every injury is highly painful, and a concussion may instead manifest itself with general feelings of discomfort -- some mild, some more extreme. When the impact has this kind of effect, leaving you with a vague feeling that something is simply “off,” it is easy to dismiss these signs as just a mild case of whiplash or the aftermath of a crash. However, some of the symptoms you may experience can mimic signs of other, more serious injuries, particularly when it comes to damage to the brain. 

Symptoms May Emerge or Evolve Over Time

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by a hit or jolt to the body that causes the head and brain to move back and forth quickly. Medical experts tell us that a concussion injury can have a delayed onset of symptoms, which may not become apparent until hours or even days after the accident. Here are some classic signs that indicate that lingering headache or disorientation you are feeling may be more than just the effects of shock or whiplash:

  1. Foggy, confused thoughts - Confusion or feeling as if your mind is in a fog is a sign that you need to see a doctor, especially if it is not clearing up or seems to be gradually getting worse.

  2. Memory and concentration problems - Whether you are finding it difficult to concentrate on daily, mundane tasks or are suddenly unable to complete activities such as reading, cooking, or helping your children with homework, these symptoms should not be ignored. Also, if you are having difficulty retaining new memories or recalling old ones, it is important to seek medical attention.

  3. Sleep disturbances - Car crash victims who suffer from concussion injuries often notice disturbances in their sleep patterns. You may find that you are more restless, unable to get a full night’s sleep, or are too anxious to stay asleep for an extended period of time.

  4. Irritability - Along with sleep disturbances, many concussion patients find that they are more edgy, more depressed, and generally more anxious than they were before the accident. If you notice any changes in your behavior or mental health, these changes may point to a concussion injury of some kind.

  5. Problems with your senses - Damage to the brain from a blow to the head can also affect your ability to taste, smell, hear, and see clearly. If you find that any of your senses have been altered since the car crash, or if you are suddenly sensitive to light and noise, it is time to see a doctor.

Contact a Schaumburg Personal Injury Lawyer

Noticing changes in your health following a car accident can be frightening. In some cases, a concussion can lead to long-term problems for a crash victim. Advocate for your health by speaking to a competent and qualified Arlington Heights car accident attorney who can fight for your rights and protect your best interests in a court of law. Find out what compensation you may be entitled to for your pain and suffering if another driver's negligence caused your injuries. Call Newland & Newland LLP today at 847-797-8000 and schedule a personal consultation.






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